

«Звёздные Войны» в стиле кубизма


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Вопрос: Ну как? Кубично?
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2. Никак 
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Всего:   17

@темы: Креатив, Личное, Фото

26.05.2020 в 12:19

Я написала фантастический рассказ. ))

В процессе выполния упражнения по Инглишу. Упражнение было на тему "Ellipsis and substitution", был дан кусочек текста — начало истории — и надо было переписать этот текст, чтобы он звучал по-человечески, а потом написать собственное продолжение:
1) Rewrite the passage of a story "The Disappearance" using ellipsis and substitution to make it shorter and more natural
2) Finish the story with your own ideas (write 10 sentences)

Вот что у меня получилось.

1) Текст, который надо было rewrite.
I finished work as usual, put my coat on and left the office. I decided to walk home for a change because it was a sunny day. I turned the corner and was going to go up my drive but I didn’t because I couldn’t . Why couldn’t I go up my drive? My house wasn’t there! It had just disappeared! I couldn’t believe so! There was a gap where my house had stood, completely empty space there. My neighbour’s house was there and her car was also. I decided to take some action straight away, went to my neighbour, an old lady, and knocked on her front door. The old lady came to the door, opened the door and asked, ‘Who are you?’ I said, ‘I am your neighbour. I’ve lived here for ten years.’ My neighbour looked at me but didn’t seem to recognize me and said to me, ‘I don’t know you and I don’t want to. Now go away.’ She slammed the door and left me on the doorstep. It was like a dream, like a bad dream, and I wanted to wake up but I couldn’t. The bad dream was reality. I thought about phoning the police but I didn’t because they would probably think I was crazy. (You might think so too.) Just as I was beginning to feel desperate, I noticed something on the floor. The thing on the floor was an envelope and inside the envelope was a message: ‘Do you want to get your house back? If you want to, follow these instructions and you will…’.

2) Моё продолжение истории. ))
I was actually greatly surprised and continued reading, 'We have landed on your planet due to the damage of our spaceship and had to move your house to the distant past in order not to destroy it. We thought we would manage to repair our spaceship but we can't and need your help because we don't have enough material for repair. Please, bring to us five kg of sugar, five litres of any oil, 5 hundred of steel nails and fifty meters of copper wire. Leave all these substances near the place of your house. We will take them and fix our spaceship, at least we hope to. After we take off your house will return to its place. To show our gratitude we will leave for you the same weight of gold.' I really got a shock but decided to fulfill these instructions as I wanted to get my house back very much. I went to the shop, bought all required and brought to them. Firstly my purchases simply dissolved in the air, then I saw an unbelievable vehicle that flew away in the sky. To my great relief my house appeared on its place and there was a heap of gold in front of it. And now I am rather rich and have no need to work in the sphere of distance learning anymore! I know it is hard to believe in this story and you may also think so. But it is true!

Оценка 10,00 из 10,00 (100%)
Комментарий преподавателя: Cosmic story indeed))

И вот эти бредовые фигурки как нельзя лучше подходят в качестве иллюстрации. ))
26.05.2020 в 22:23

Ум, честь, совесть, записная книжка на выделенном носителе. Включена функция самообучения
oyloul, и без некоторых стенаний и причитаний дело не обошлось Это ж цитата? Хмелевская же? "Взяли свои стенания и причитания"... и куда-то там выдвинулись, уже не помню. Яркая фраза.

Забавные фигурки! Но как-то им с головами не повезло, хотя - больше шансов, что они переживут не одну игру. ) Иногда завидую современным детям, такие забавные вещи есть специально для них: сложные бумажные конструкторы, левшовые ножницы и ручки, всякие наборы для творчества.
28.05.2020 в 06:05

Маримо Ю, спасибо!

Именно так! Хмелевская. "Господ нет дома. Прихватили стенания и причитания и на рораты отправились." Если мне не изменяет память -- "Две головы и одна нога". Надо перечитать как-нибудь!

Фигурки -- это просто так, баловство, На потренироваться перед сборкой корабля. А вот корабль -- реально классный!

Мы тоже не скучали в детстве. )) Сборные модели тоже были, я например модель космического корабля собирала.